Best Locks Lockpicking Lawyer | Top 5 Picks with Details


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Few individuals understand the intricacies of lock security quite like the anonymous YouTube sensation, LockPickingLawyer. Known for his adept skill in lock picking and unparalleled ability to critique and bypass even the most sophisticated locks, the LockPickingLawyer is a renowned figure in the world of physical security. Let’s check out the best locks lockpicking lawyer.

LockPickingLawyer is notoriously meticulous in his lock quality analysis, routinely evaluating their resistance to picking, drilling, snapping, and other forms of brute force. He’s been known to tackle locks from leading manufacturers and has critiqued everything from common household padlocks to high-security safes. So, which locks have won his approval?

Best Locks Lockpicking Lawyer

Best Locks Lockpicking Lawyer

Abloy Protec2: 

The Abloy Protec2 frequently gets praise from LockPickingLawyer for its extreme resistance to picking due to its disc-detainer mechanism. The lock’s superior build quality, including hardened steel and anti-drill features, make it one of the toughest on the market.

Medeco M3: 

Medeco locks are renowned for their complex keyway design and multi-axis rotation of key pins, providing substantial resistance to picking and bumping. The Medeco M3, in particular, has often passed LockPickingLawyer’s tests with high marks.

Mul-T-Lock MT5+: 

This lock utilizes a pin-in-pin system and a sidebar mechanism that offers high security. The complexity of its design has led to the LockPickingLawyer commending its resistance to picking.


The magnetic code system (MCS) implemented by EVVA uses a combination of magnetic and mechanical elements. LockPickingLawyer highly praises it for its intricate and effective security design.

ASSA Abloy Twin Combi: 

The ASSA Abloy Twin Combi is a dual-locking mechanism with pin tumblers and a sidebar system. Its high-security keys, which are difficult to duplicate without the right equipment, make it a LockPickingLawyer favorite.

It is important to note that even the strongest lock can’t fully guarantee security. Locks should be one part of a comprehensive security system that includes monitoring and additional layers of defense. Furthermore, a lock is only as strong as the door and frame into which it’s installed.

My Opinion

Lastly, LockPickingLawyer’s evaluations, while invaluable, should be taken as part of a broader picture. Professional locksmiths and security consultants should be consulted when setting up a robust security system, as they can offer advice specific to your requirements.

Nevertheless, if you want to feel secure, choosing a lock endorsed by the LockPickingLawyer is undoubtedly a strong starting point. His ability to breach seemingly “unpickable” locks has earned him the respect of casual viewers and security professionals, providing a reliable touchstone in the sometimes-confusing world of physical security.

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